Dagen i OECD ga oss nyttig kunnskap om videregående opplæring i flere land – og om hvordan det norske systemet er sammenliknet med disse landene. Vi fikk en nærmere gjennomgang av deler av utdanningssystemet i Nederland, Finland og Sveits. Programmet og presentasjonene for seminaret finner dere under.

Utvalgsmøte 13, 8. mars, ble avholdt i forlengelsen av OECD-seminaret. Utvalget brukte mye av møtet til å diskutere innleggene fra seminaret dagen sett i lys av norsk videregående opplæring.

Utvalget arbeidet videre med premissene som skal brukes som rettesnorer for utformingen av forslagene til ny videregående opplæring.

Samlingen ble avrundet av ambassaderåd Grethe Sofie Bratli, som informerte om utdanningsarbeidet i UNESCO. Se innlegg

Under finner dere materiale som Liedutvalget fikk tilsendt i forkant av OECD-seminaret.


 Lied Commission Expert Seminar

Improving Students’ success in Upper Secondary Education

Venue: OECD Conference Center, room CC20, 2 rue André Pascal

Thursday 7 March 2019


09:00-09:15       Welcome and introductions

    • Welcome to the OECD by Ms. Siv Hilde Lindstrøm, Counsellor for Education and Research, Norwegian permanent delegation to the OECD
    • Welcome by the Head of the Lied Commission Ms. Ragnhild Lied
    • Seminar themes and goals by Mr. Trond Fevolden, Head of the secretariat for the Lied Commission

09:15-10:00       Trends Shaping Education

  • Presentation by Ms. Tracey Burns, Senior analyst, Center for Educational Research and Innovation (CERI), OECD Directorate for Education and Skills (OECD/EDU), se innlegg

10:00-12:00       Session 1: Exploring upper secondary education systems

This session will focus on the overall system and organisation of upper secondary education based on available OECD evidence and presentation by two peer countries, Finland and the Netherlands. The session will include discussions about the relationship between general and vocational tracks, modularisation, credit-based systems and assessment.

    • Introduction by Mr. Paulo Santiago, Head of Division for Policy Advice and Implementation, OECD Directorate for Education and Skills (OECD/EDU), se innlegg
    • Introduction by Mr. Herman Scholten, Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, the Netherlands, se innlegg
    • Introduction by Mr. Aleksi Kalenius, Finland, Counsellor for Education and Science, Finnish permanent delegation to the OECD, se innlegg
    • Discussion

12:00-13:30       Lunch, Restaurant des Nations

13:30-15:15      Session 2: Responsive school systems for improving students’ success

This session will build on recent findings from the OECD School Resources Review, focussing on improving vertical and horizontal transitions across levels of education.

    • Introduction by Ms. Deborah Nusche, Head of School Resources Review Team, OECD/EDU, se innlegg
    • Comments by the invited experts
    • Discussion

15:15-15:45      Coffee Break

15:45-17:30      Session 3: Focussing on VET

Topics to be explored include structure of VET systems, duration of apprenticeships, hybrid programmes and school-based Learning.

  • Introduction by Ms. Benedicte Bergseng, Policy analyst, OECD Center for Skills, se innlegg
  • Introduction by Ms. Pauline Musset, Policy analyst, OECD Center for Skills
  • Introduction by Mr. Laurent Feuz, Head of the Office for post-compulsory education and career guidance of the Canton of Neuchâtel, Switzerland, se innlegg
  • Introduction by Mr. Herman Scholten, Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, the Netherlands
  • Discussion


Cedefop (2015): The role of modularisation and unitisation in vocational education and training

OECD (2019): Trends Shaping Education 2019 

OECD (2018): Responsive School Systems

NCCA (2018): Upper Secondary Education in Nine Jurisdictions. Overview Report